Monday, June 28, 2010

Whirlwinds of Change

Energy. Free flowing throughout my entire body. Can you feel it when I walk in the room? My goal in life used to be to be that I just wanted to be the nice guy. But times change and people grow. I've grown. My new goal is to be the great guy who lights up the room and lifts the spirits of those that I am fortunate enough to have contact with. Viva life!

Proud. Of myself, of my community, of my friends, of my family. I'm proud to be who I am. I'm proud to be gay. To those who believe this is a choice I say this: Why would I have chosen a lifestyle wrought with difficulties, gay is not a choice, it's who I am. My choice is to be happy with this fact and never will this hinder my future potential.

Pride weekend has come and gone, and I've never seen the community in such a positive light. To the board and members of Pride I send you kudos, you've taken a difficult task and made it stunning. Thank you for everything you've sacrificed to make it what it was.

Silly side note: Don't forget to sign your taxes...this guy did. And let me just say that it takes forever for it to arrive. There is a plus side to this, I wasn't ready for it. But now I am.

I feel a whirlwind of change coming.

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