When confronted with the possibility of being truly happy, the natural mind wants to split in two.
One half welcomes the thought of happiness. She takes her molding clay and shapes out the life of said happiness, forming a tower of hope in which she can escape to and live in perfect harmony with her self created world.
The bitter half evaluates the thoughts with a fine tooth comb. Slowly cutting down any possible hope that the happiness is real nor could it ever come true. In effect he digs his bunker and refuses to leave the comfort.
The warring of the two can leave one scarred and broken. The trials of life can be so difficult, leaving one to embrace the bitter side of the mind and forever doom oneself to unhappiness. Forever trapping the molder of happy thoughts in her clay tower until she herself crumbles away forever, or until her Prince Charming rescues her with his majic hammer.
It's easy to fall in love with fairy tales. It's even easier to lose yourself in the happiness of your own fairy tale. It is not easy, however, to use both sides of your mind when it comes to facing a relationship. One can so easily become entrapped in the kingdom of their mind ignoring the reality of their surroundings. This is the hardest part of life. Should you remain in your bunker until the right person digs their way in? Or should you embrace the tower and the loss of reality in hopes that this could be it?
It is in the face of ultimate bliss that I ask these questions. Like a train I could run my course on the same track day after day. Or like the Jeep I've recently become, I could plow through rugged terrain to embrace the new and make it my own. Luckily I'm a fan of adventure. What course will you take? Can you find the happy medium as well?
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