I set a goal, one within reason, within reach, within my capabilities. And I reached that goal. Piece by little piece are the semblances of my home life coming together.
Thanks to Stephen, a great motivation I am finding, I have finally painted my kitchen. Gone are the banana colored walls, to be replaced with Orange Ice (think sherbet ice cream). The change was instantaneous, going from dull and lifeless to thought provoking and hunger striking, yes...it really does make me hungry when I see it. My hopes are that it will inspire me to cook more, which is not in my forte but being as I'm 30 and should consider myself a grown up I should not survive off of microwave meals and Taco Bell...but oh how I love Taco Bell.
To have a project of this magnitude done is inspiring. First, because I've put it off for so long. Second, because I have the itch now. I want to paint more, well not really...to clarify I want to get the rest of the house done. In my repetoire of to-do's I have my bedroom and the living/dining room to do. These are all simply done as the color has been picked out and the supplies are there, it just requires a bit more of that motivation. But what to do first?
The great thing is that I have completed a task and can now move on to another one. I promise that I won't start right away, I mean I am the lazy perfectionist and I rush for no man, thing, blah blah blah. I'll do it in my own time, but it makes the perfectionist in me happy to no end.
Long ago I made promise after promise to call my mom at least once a week, only to fail and fail again that I never made the call and then would dread having to explain why I haven't called filling it with empty excuses. Needless to say my mom and I have come to terms that pretty much we're not going to call unless the mood strikes or there is something crazy going on with the family. My siblings have all been forced into that mode as well. Luckily most of my friends are texters, versus callers, so I pretty much avoid the above situation with them. Also add in that Facebook is so easily accessible that verbal communication with friends or family is almost extinct...that's a weird thought.
But lately I've been lacking in even the texting department. I used to be this guy who would write long essay type emails filled with all kinds of useless thoughts and ramblings about whatever might have happened that day. After a series of "oh crap I've said too much" moments I have cut it back considerably. It doesn't feel natural to not write a lot, it's what I do and it's who I am. But for fear of leaving the reader bored out of their mind I've toned it down. I want to revert back, I want to spread my useless knowledge in cleverly written emails that go on for days and days, but time prevents this from happening. Time, inspiration, work...all kindling for the flame that blocks my path you could say.
So please take this as an "I'm sorry for not responding". I want to, and I will soon :)
Side note: When I first purchased my phone I was excited for touch screen and thought I would love it forever. That feeling lasted maybe a month. It's slow, it freezes up on me, it kills processes randomly, and it randomly won't send texts when it says I have all 4 bars. My thoughts are that I'll be switching to the Iphone very soon and I imagine that I'll love it for a month before hating it as well :P
My longing to be technologically savvy is stunted by my granola bearings in life.
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