Monday, July 12, 2010

Raaaawr ?

Happy Monday and goodbye bitter. This is my motto for today.

I had an epiphany on Sunday morning. Something about waking up on my living room floor with a slightly broken (really small fracture that hurts like hell) right foot that kind of makes you step back and say whoa. Needless to say sometimes you need a little bit of pain to help snap you back into the swing of things.

Whereas I am a fan of healthy bitter, in my case I was entering into the poisonous kind of bitter...which is so not cool. I'm too happy to let something/anything poison that and take it away. I love to smile too much to live in the unhappy state that bitterness provides. So today, being a new day and all, will be a new day :)

K, so about my foot, complete and unedited: I had a great night with dinner and watching "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" at the Civic Center...then I proceed to go out where I consumed copious amounts of Jagermeister along with various versions of cocktails. The great, and not so great, thing about me is that I know my limit. I recognized at the end that I had reached and was on the verge of surpasing that limit, however in the state of stubbornness that I constantly live in I felt it in the best interest to continue consuming the devil's liquor, and in doing so I fed the bitterness. When I arrived at my house (driven of course, I would not have consumed as much had I been driving) I couldn't find my keys. This reminded me of a time where I was locked out of my house when my keys were in a friends car (insta-anger by association) I threw a little temper tantrum and kicked the door. Why did I kick the door? Greeeeeaaaaat question. I'm gonna chop it up to random built up anger over the past week. Needless to say I found my keys, was as happy as a jaybird and completely forgot about the little tantrum and the next day I woke up on the living room floor.


Here lately I'm making myself look to be a trashy mess. I don't think that's the actual perception, but it can't be that far off. Well, I'm not a trashy mess...I'm just spreading retardedness to the masses currently. I share this story because I think it's funny, I mean really...I have a great awesome wonderful night and in a spur of drunken anger for the silliest reason in the world I end up breaking my foot. Lesson learned, don't kick doors. I'm thinking of divorcing alcohol. I won't really go through with it because I hate paying lawyer fees, but it's tempting.

Well anyways this pain reminds me that life is too short to keep doing retarded things. Life is great and it has so much to offer. It's time to enjoy it and take advantage of those things.

So, Raaaaaawwwwwwwrrrr to you bitterness. Imagine a kitty chasing an elephant. I am kitty and I will defeat you! :P

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