Everyone changes constantly throughout life. This constant evolution is what makes you who you are. You can change it for the better, or for the worse. But I hope, as well as the world hopes, that you choose it for the better.
I find in life that people are always trying to fit a mold. They want to fit in so badly in a niche or circle when they might be a triangle or a square and it just doesn't work. My advice to them is contained in the title...be yourself. We are conditioned to aspire to be Barbie or Ken. But the only one's who can be Barbie and Ken are in fact Barbie and Ken. It's that simple.
Take stock of who you are, what are your passions and your dreams, what makes you tick and what stops your heart. That is who you are. Don't let the status quo beat you down when you act yourself. Your uniqueness is what makes you an individual. And those that do beat you down are the sheep. Granted, some can be wolves and yes wolves travel in packs...but do you really want to be that mean? Sheep let the wolves attack, sheep let the wolves tear them down and beat on them and in effect make them sheep. But what if the wolves are sheep too. Each one doing what the other does to fit in and to maintain their status. Sheep.
Have you ever seen a purple haired wolf? Maybe a bleach blonde one yes...
Point taken right? You, allow me to capitalize that, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL just the way you are. Do not feel that you have to be anything more, anything less, anything but who you are. You don't have to one up to fit in. You don't have to shy away when conversation turns into dark waters. Speak your mind and be yourself. Odds are that if you are with sheep they will turn away yes...but there are other you's out there who will appreciate the you that you are. Lastly, the only way a wolf can get you is if you make yourself a victim...being you is a threat to their existence, and yes they will attack, but if you are YOU and you are strong in YOU then you've already won.
Just be yourself, who knows...it might catch on.
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